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Hello, I'm Zarni. I'm a software engineer with industrial experience. I enjoy building sites & apps. My focus is Javascript Language.

About Myself

After passing the matriculation examination with four distinctions, I could not go the the college due to the covid pandemic and political situation in my country, Myanmar. So, I decided to pursue my passion for programming by self learning. I enrolled in udemy and edX courses for learning programming and web development. So then, I became passionate for creating interactive and user-friendly web applications. My main focus is Javascript and core tech stack is React, Next.js. I am also familiar with Typescript, Vue.js, Node.js and MongoDB. With a solid foundation web application development using Javascript language, I believe I can contribute my skills to dynamic and collaborative team. I have experience in using version control systems such as Git, Gitlab and Github for collaborative development. I stay up-to-date with latest technologies to deliver high quality solutions to any problem. Passionate about staying abreast of emerging technologies, I am committed to continuous learning and thrive in dynamic environments where innovation and excellence are paramount. I am currently looking for a full-time position as a web developer.

My Projects

Comfy Home

A furnitures ecommerce web app for home and office uses. It has features like sorting, filtering products and making actual payments.

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • Stripe


A public web app for searching various movies and tv shows. All datas are fetched from the TMDB api. It has features like debounce searching, filtering the results.

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • Clerk


A dashboard web app for managing job posts. User can create, update, delete job posts and view chart reports.

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind
  • Redux

Shloot Shloot

A public web app for searching various meals and receipts by text or by country. Users can also mark their fav meals' receipts.

  • Vue
  • Tailwind
  • Pinia

My Skills

  • skill iconHTML
  • skill iconCSS
  • skill iconTailwind
  • skill iconAntd
  • skill iconJavascript
  • skill iconTypescript
  • skill iconReact
  • skill iconRedux
  • skill iconVue
  • skill iconPinia
  • skill iconNext.js
  • skill iconNode.js
  • skill iconPrisma
  • skill iconMongoDB
  • skill iconGit
  • skill iconFramer Motion

My History

Let's Connect

Please contact me directly at or through this form.